Mission and Vision


The church we envisage is Christ Centred, Purpose Driven and People Empowering.

The church we envisage is exciting! We see a church with hundreds of adults and children from different people groups and different walks of life. The church is bursting with life with numbers of initiatives focused on changing lives, changing our community and changing the perception of Church.

The church we envisage has a strong sense of family. Everyone has value and everyone has a part to play in God's great story. Family life is outworked through a network of life groups spread out across the town. If you have not yet joined a life group why not go visiting and find a group where you can be blessed and can be a blessing.

The church we envisage is passionate. Meetings are hallmarked with exuberant praise, intimate worship and inspiring preaching.

Please come and join us! 

Click here to see our Church Brochure

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Planning your Visit