Children's Ministry

Click here for Kingdom Kids T.V Videos:   Video

Crèche   RBC Kingdom Tots

Every Sunday, with the exception of the 3rd Sunday in each month,  we hold a crèche for babies and small children. The crèche room is set out with toys, children's books and crafts in a comfortable room for children and parents to enjoy. The room also has a T.V for parents to still see into the service. It's open right from the beginning of the service and is available to be used at anytime during your time with us at RBC.


Primary Age Groups  

RBC Kingdom Kids Bronze       RBC Kingdom Kids Silver       RBC Kingdom Kids Gold


We meet on the 2nd and 4th Sunday each month. For the primary age group there are 3 groups meeting: 

  • Kingdom Kids Bronze for children aged 2 1/2 - 5
  • Kingdom Kids Silver for children aged 5 - 7
  • Kingdom Kids Gold for children aged 7 - 9

All groups study the Bible together in fun and interactive ways

Creative Church   RBC Creative Church             

Every Third Sunday morning, we have a fun and interactive group known as Creative Church. This is when we bring all of the primary age groups together during the morning service. We participate in games, bible stories and crafts for everyone to enjoy. Everything is made age appropriate so the children can engage in various different activities suitable to them.


Upcoming Events

Please check back for details on up and coming events ....................................

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